(and FIVE things we can all do about it)
Around five or six months ago, I came down with it. The symptoms included irritability, anxiety, dizziness, a dulling of indignation, and general malaise. I’m not referring to Coronavirus. What I contracted was a case of Trump fatigue.
Nearing the tail end of this woeful maelstrom of a presidential term, the enormous buildup of outrageousness had begun to desensitize me through frequency of instance. My viral load was high from the glut of TTU’s (Trump Transgression Units) my system had absorbed through media of all forms. Disgraceful and deplorable behavior from the oval office had grown so commonplace, the flurry of offenses so incessant, that only the most egregious were now setting off “the future of our country is in grave danger” and “this man must be removed from office at any cost” alarms. Like the caretaker of an incorrigible child, at some level, I’d started to simply accept it and tune it out to the extent possible.
I stopped reading the news; I avoided political conversations with family and friends since they inevitably led only to tiresome, expletive-laced tirades that repeated the same pejoratives — the supply of which had long ago been exhausted. The man and the administration had gained the upper hand on me in this battle of attrition through the sheer volume of offenses that must be digested and processed before an informed, considered opinion and response can be formulated. That takes an enormous amount of time and energy!
Once I became cognizant of my condition, I knew I needed to take some countermeasure(s) to jog my memory, to regain my sense of outrage and urgency. I began to retroactively catalogue the appalling things that issued from Trump’s mouth, his pen, his people, his Twitter account. My objective? To build a bank of abuses and policy decisions to draw from when engaged in political discussion with supporters, so I’d be equipped to rattle off at any moment, a sampling of specifics rather than general rhetorical appeals to decency that usually prove futile in such conversations.
Recently, I came across a comprehensive list published by the venerable Mcweeney’s, that has compiled nearly 900 (and counting) ignoble items - a public service that deserves our gratitude. After combing through their catalogue and my own, I’ve selected 25 of the most egregious as a reminder to us all and a catalyst for action.
Thankfully, I’ve recovered from my case of Trump fatigue and I’m back in the arena, ready to fight for the future of our democracy. Below, I will share Five Actions you can take to help make this a one-time presidency and flip the Senate (courtesy of Ari Morcos).
- “He’s not a war hero. He was a war hero because he was captured. I like people who weren’t captured.” Trump’s comments about John McCain. (who spent 5.5 years in a North Vietnamese prison, where he was repeatedly tortured)
- “I don’t even wait. When you’re a star, they let you do it, you can do anything…grab them by the p***y.” (Hollywood Access Tape).
- Trump “University” fraud
- Trump’s thousands (literally) conflicts of interest. Every other modern president divested their business interests before entering office.
- First president in over 30 years to withhold his financial information from the American public.
- After Trump won the presidential election, his Palm Beach resort, Mar-a-Lago, doubled its initiation fee to $200,000.
- Trump attempts to discredit a Federal judge.
- The Michael Flynn Affair
- Trump repealed the so-called “stream protection rule,” which kept coal companies from dumping mining debris into rivers. Barack Obama first implemented the regulation after a growing body of evidence suggested the debris could contain toxic materials.
- False wiretapping accusation against Obama.
- The https://www.cnn.com/specials/politics/james-comey-firing firing of FBI Director, James Comey, and attempt to intimidate him.
- Trump mocks teen climate activist, Geta Thunberg.
- Trump insults former Chief of Staff, John Kelley.
- Trump insults Romney after impeachment vote.
- Ivanka Trump accused of violating federal ethics law.
- Trump incites violence and bullying.
- Trump says all Haitians have Aids.
- Trump administration’s historic turnover rate.
- Trump attempts to fire special counsel Mueller.
- EPA Administrator suggests climate change could benefit humans.
- Senate report confirms Trump Campaign colluded with Russia.
- Trump associates arrested or convicted of crimes.
- “I would like you to do us a favor though…” Trump allegedly tries to bribe leader of Ukraine.
- Trump calls coronavirus “China Virus.”
- Trump’s self-assessment for handling of coronavirus.
- Donate money to the Biden Campaign
- Volunteer with Swing Left
- Donate to these Senate Campaigns:
Jaime Harrison in SC against Lindsay Graham
Cal Cunningham vs. Thom Thillis in North Carolina.
Steve Bullock vs. Steve Daines in Montana.
Theresa Greenfield vs. Joni Ernst in Iowa.
Sara Gideon vs. Susan Collins in Maine.
Barbara Bollier vs. Roger Marshall in Kansas
Jon Osoff vs. David Perdue in Georgia.
4. Volunteer your time to help elect Democrats in swing states and key Senate races. There are lots of ways to do this. You can volunteer to host or attend virtual events, call voters, or text voters. Here is a link to sign up.
5. Talk to your friends and family, and encourage them to do each of these Five things. This is the best ROI (return on investment) of the Five. If you can get just one other person to do the same as you, you’ve doubled your impact.
I look forward to celebrating with you in November!